The Secrets of Amazon A+ Content

You’ve got a great product. It’s got a great Amazon detail page with descriptive bullet points and a detailed product description that are chock full of SEO-optimized keywords. Your images are excellent and manage to tell the product’s story better than the actual description. Your PPC ad strategy is dialed in and focused. You’ve got all this going for you, yet your sales and conversion have plateaued and need an extra boost. Cue Amazon A+ content.

One of the quickest and most effective ways to increase customer trust, boost conversion rates, and build your search ranking is with Amazon A+ content. Amazon claims that on average, A+ content helps increase the overall sales of a product by 3-10 percent.

Seems too good to be true? It’s not. As an Amazon Marketing Agency overseeing tens of thousands of Amazon products spanning multiple Amazon categories, we’ve found Amazon’s claim to be true time and time again.

But A+ content doesn’t just happen on its own. You can’t just throw something together and expect it to give you an extra 5% boost in conversion overnight. It’s got to look the part if it’s going to gain consumers’ trust and enhance your brand’s image. In this article, we’ll highlight additional benefits of A+ content and show you some things we’ve learned over years of helping brands sell their products on Amazon to give you the tools you’ll need to build your own A+ pages that look great and convert big.

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