Think Like an Attacker: Understanding Cybercriminals and Nation-State Threat Actors

A full-day virtual event that provides insight on today’s cyber adversaries, their techniques, tools, and how to thwart them.

Cyberattacks continue nonstop. But just who are the cyber attackers behind these campaigns and what is their endgame? What tactics and techniques do they employ and how could they be used against your organization? Which types of attacks – and attackers – are most likely to target your organization and its data?

In this Q4 2023 virtual event produced by Dark Reading, Think Like an Attacker: Understanding Cybercriminals and Nation-State Threat Actors, you’ll learn about the latest and most prolific threat actors in cybercrime and cyber espionage, and how they could target your enterprise. In this free, all-day online event, experts will provide insight, advice, and best practices for securing your enterprise – and ultimately, your valuable data — from these attackers. Among other things, you’ll learn how to gather intelligence on current threats and adversaries – and then how you can use that information to secure your network.

Among the topics covered at Think Like an Attacker: Understanding Cybercriminals and Nation-State Threat Actors:

  • A look at some of the most infamous threat groups and their main goals for hacking organizations like yours
  • Their tactics and techniques — and how that can inform your defenses
  • Best practices for applying threat intelligence to your security posture
  • Recommendations for thinking like an attacker in order to test your defenses from their threats
  • Other proactive security methods such as threat hunting, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing to identify and stop attackers before they infiltrate your IT infrastructure

If you want to know more about the way cybercriminals and nation-state hackers might penetrate your cyber defenses – and how to use threat knowledge about these actors to protect your enterprise data — then this virtual event is for you. Register today!

Keynote 1: The Cybercrime Ecosystem

As cybercrime pervades, some cybercriminal groups have evolved into well-organized syndicates operating as a business. The Dark Web underground is the marketplace where they make deals, share malware and stolen data, and even double-cross or hack one another. In this keynote, an expert on cybercrime will explain how this dark ecosystem operates and continues to grow and prosper — and provide tips on how to protect your organization from them.

Keynote 2: Nation-State Hacking Teams

China. Russia. Iran. North Korea. These are among the most prolific and powerful nations with state-sponsored hacking teams that conduct cyber espionage of all flavors, from geopolitical and diplomatic spying to intellectual property theft, and even the most egregious data destruction attacks that cross the line into cybercrime. But many other nations are ramping up their hacking teams for their national interests as well. In this keynote, an expert on nation-state cyber operations will provide insight into the latest trends and operations of nation-state hackers and the threats to businesses and organizations big and small.


Panel Discussion 1: How to Get the Most out of Threat Intelligence Data

Various threat intelligence feeds are integrated into many security tools and services, and there are multiple open-source feeds as well, so how do you sift through this data to find the most applicable to your organization? What are some of the best resources for understanding threat groups and the latest attack campaigns? How do you weave threat intel data into your existing security tools and security operations? In this panel discussion, experts will provide insight and guidance on how to manage the deluge of threat intel and use it as a key strategic tool for your security posture.

Panel Discussion 2: Proactive Security Measures for Thwarting Cyber Adversaries

Cybercrime and nation-state hacking teams continue to hone their skills and methods in order to remain under the radar. That calls for more forward-thinking, proactive security defenses with the goal of staying ahead of the attackers, such as regular vulnerability scanning and penetration testing of IT infrastructure, and threat hunting by the security team or your security service provider. Threat hunting and red-team experts will share insights on how to execute such proactive security practices, the emerging technologies that support them, and how to use the results they unearth to shore up defenses in your internally developed applications and third-party applications and systems in your network.

Panel Discussion 3: Security Alerts: Isolating the Needle in the Haystack

Many enterprises have dozens or more security tools, many of which aren’t well-integrated, nor even fully deployed due to a saturation of tools, events, and security team shortages and turnover. What types of processes and tools can help sift through this telemetry to ferret out the real events that point to a live attack? What can machine learning and artificial intelligence do to streamline and empower security analysis? In this panel discussion, experts will analyze the challenges security analysts face every day and how to improve the detection and analysis of events.

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