Third-Party Risk: More Third Parties + Limited Supply-Chain Visibility = Big Risks for Organizations


Third Party Risk More Third Parties Plus Limited Supply Chain Visibility Equals Big Risks For Organizations IconDid you know? More than half of organizations experienced a third-party IT security incident in the last two years, according to a survey conducted by the CyberRisk Alliance — and of these incidents, 52% originated from a software vendor. These sobering statistics are part of a recent CRA research report, sponsored by AuditBoard, that surveyed over 200 security executives, directors, managers, and IT admins.

With third-party breaches continuing to escalate in velocity and impact, it’s no longer enough to secure internal assets; organizations must be doubly sure any sanctioned entity with network permissions does not become an unwitting conduit for malicious activity. However, managing third-party and supply chain threats remains a daunting task. See how your organization compares to the survey results in your free copy of Third-Party Risk: More Third Parties + Limited Supply-Chain Visibility = Big Risks for Organizations. You’ll learn more about:

  • How organizations are impacted by third-party cyber attacks and breaches.
  • Key concerns and challenges in managing risks from third parties such as software vendors, IT service providers, business partners, contractors, resellers, and other partners.
  • Organizations’ use of solutions and processes to prevent and mitigate third-party risk.
  • Guidance to help your organization proactively address third-party risk.

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