Top 5 Reasons to Transform Your eDiscovery Model

The traditional provider-centric eDiscovery model — prone to unacceptable risks, third-party cyber breaches, rising costs, and redundant data across multiple service providers — is ripe for retirement. As cybersecurity and privacy efforts continue to push corporations to move productivity platforms to their provider’s utility cloud, taking sensitive data out of that environment and pushing it somewhere else for eDiscovery is suddenly outdated and off-strategy.

Yet, in eDiscovery, speed, completeness, accuracy, security and efficiency must be front and center. Now, there’s an approach that aligns around a unified, transparent security posture.

Download this white paper and discover how sophisticated organizations are re-aligning their eDiscovery process around a security-centric model that can address the priorities of all constituents, protect business continuity, and amplify strategic success. You’ll learn:


  • Top 5 reasons to transform your eDiscovery process
  • How a security-centric approach enables increased efficiency, flexibility, and resilience
  • Why eDiscovery should be executed like a disaster recovery plan

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