Why Work – An analysis of society, the economy, the place of work in daily life and how to achieve a fairer society with greater economic justice

Free markets best enable economic creativity and growth of wealth, centralized distribution of wealth best protects people from adverse economic circumstance and ensures their share arising from their effort is not denied them due the wrong reasons, mainly politics. This leads to the central question addressed in this work: How do we understand the links between people, the economy, and wealth creation, using that understanding to design an economic/political system so that people get their fair share? Further, and importantly, that people believe the system fair. 

This paper is intended to guide political action so that you, a typical, average member of society, a working person … whether sweeping floors, stacking shelves, selling behind a retail counter, a partner in a legal or accounting firm, or a working CEO … is offered a fully scientific analysis of society with suggested changes so that you experience greater economic justice. 

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