Professional IR Webcasting: A Buyer’s Guide

As one of your flagship communication events in the calendar year, results time is an opportunity to instill absolute confidence in the business, while demonstrating that you are leading the charge with exceptional ideas and doing the right thing as an organization. It’s also an opportunity to look incredibly slick in the process.

Bearing all of the above in mind, it’s no wonder more and more organizations are choosing to use virtual events such as high-quality webcasting to present their information in a branded and engaging online format. 

High-quality webcasts don’t just look professional, they also allow you to broadcast your message live and enable audiences to experience the event from anywhere that has an Internet connection ‒ on any device.

But how do you know which solution to choose when they all look so similar?

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Professional IR Webcasting: A Buyer’s Guide

As one of your flagship communication events in the calendar year, results time is an opportunity to instill absolute confidence in the business, while demonstrating that you are leading the charge with exceptional ideas and doing the right thing as an organization. It’s also an opportunity to look incredibly slick in the process.

Bearing all of the above in mind, it’s no wonder more and more organizations are choosing to use virtual events such as high-quality webcasting to present their information in a branded and engaging online format. 

High-quality webcasts don’t just look professional, they also allow you to broadcast your message live and enable audiences to experience the event from anywhere that has an Internet connection ‒ on any device.

But how do you know which solution to choose when they all look so similar?

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Rapport Aberdeen : Dcouvrez comment les entreprises les plus performantes simplifient leurs processus de ventes complexes

Dans ce rapport, le groupe d’études Aberdeen dévoile comment les forces de vente multicanal révolutionnent leurs méthodes de travail. En utilisant des solutions CPQ, elles diminuent le nombre de personnes et de processus impliqués dans le cycle de vente. Elles bénéficient également d’une visibilité globale sur les activités des canaux de distribution et améliorent leurs capacités de gestion des canaux de vente. Recevez votre rapport gratuit aujourd’hui !

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Livre Blanc : Pour les entreprises industrielles, le processus Configure-Price-Quote (CPQ) n’est pas un simple dfi commercial…

De nombreuses équipes commerciales se tournent ainsi vers les solutions Configure-Price-Quote (CPQ) pour améliorer les échanges commerciaux avec leurs futurs clients. Mais pour les entreprises industrielles, la capacité des solutions CPQ à intégrer les processus front- et back-office permet de redéfinir les relations au sein de l’organisation. Téléchargez le Livre Blanc de Cincom pour découvrir comment la mise en place d’une solution CPQ permet non seulement de vendre le bon produit mais aussi de fabriquer le bon produit. Recevez votre Livre Blanc aujourd’hui !

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Aberdeen Report: come le aziende ‘best-in-class’ semplificando i processi di vendita complessi

Migliorare i processi legati a queste attività di vendita è possibile.

Aberdeen, azienda internazionale di ricerche di mercato, analizza in questo rapporto come le reti di vendita stanno progressivamente rivoluzionando il loro modo di operare, utilizzando la tecnologia CPQ (Configure-Price-Quote) per ridurre al minimo le persone e i processi coinvolti nei cicli di vendita e per migliorare la visibilità e la gestione dei canali di vendita.Scarichi subito una copia gratuita del documento!

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