Cloud Security: Embedded on the Internet’s DNS and BGP Layers

Inherently, cloud security platforms build a global network that is embedded on the Internet’s underling DNS and BGP layers. This method allows the capturing of any sort of data on any device, protocol or even application. The fact that all data is captured ensure that no threat can hide. The data that is acquired facilitates the understanding of the associated threats and their relation towards one another. The cloud security platforms again having developed a global network are exposed to the world’s global patterns in regards to cyber security.

As mentioned, the platforms intercept the threats even before they attack their target. This can be attributed to the fact that the platforms receive a large number of raw data that sensitizes them on the location of the threat prior attack. The security platforms are also able to discern the attackers’ infrastructure. This global visibility is enabled by the cloud platforms receiving data on the many types of malicious and malicious threats in the internet. They are able to link the threats to other known threats automatically. This correlates the occurring events to the associated IP networks and DNS infrastructure.

The security platform infrastructure features offer a first line defense to users against attacks. The cloud security platforms offer off network coverage, this is to mean that there is traffic both on and off the network. The platforms are able to provide visibility into the activities taking place in the internet across all the devices, ports, protocols and application when the users are outside the organizations network networks coverage. Most of the cloud security platforms make sure that they can protect users on local networks. Once the user is off security coverage he or she can still remain logged in. Furthermore, they protect Windows or Mac OS X devices against without sacrificing performance.