Cloud ERP’s Integral Role in Business Agility


Change is afoot in cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Two years ago, a two-tier cloud ERP strategy was often pitched as an effective means of rapid consolidation and real-time reporting across a cloud platform. Cloud ERP’s common data model was a breakthrough for companies looking for better oversight across far-flung subsidiaries. But amidst heated global competition, transformation is no longer a wish list item; it’s an operational imperative. For today’s CIOs, technical efficiencies and cost savings are not enough.

But as cloud ERP matures, business users are reporting a welcome shift. Beyond the reduction of costly integration, two-tier ERP is proving integral to global expansion. Tangible benefits include: agility and speed of implementation, global expansion and new market entry, business growth, and efficient mergers and acquisitions. And now, thanks to better mobile functionality and ecommerce, cloud ERP can get closer to customers than ever before.

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