Learning: The critical tool to meet employees’ changing expectations

A survey by Deloitte found that engaged employees outperform their counterparts by a factor of 147%. 

However, great employee experience is about more than just dollars and cents. To have a rewarding experience at work, employees need to feel involved, empowered, consulted, valued and supported through their progression with the company. 

There’s been a seismic shift in what employees expect from work - with subtle and not so subtle shifts in the employer/employee relationship over the last 20 years. 

It’s no longer just about how the individual can make a difference to the organisation, but what they are receiving from the organization in return. 

Read our eBook to find how to create happier employees through better learning experiences. In it, we explore:

  • What employee experience actually is 
  • Why learning is key to delivering the best employee experience
  • How to ensure employees feel welcomed and supported during onboarding
  • Providing career development and helping employees grow
  • Ensuring employees feel part of something bigger than themselves and their team
  • How to get employee experience to the top of the agenda


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