Leading the IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly become one of the most familiar — and perhaps most hyped — expressions across business and technology. The IoT will have a great impact on the economy by transforming many enterprises into digital businesses and facilitating new business models, improving efficiency and increasing employee and customer engagement.

This book is intended to be a guide for CIOs and IT leaders who want to take a broader view of the IoT; it includes:

  • A foundation from which to start business conversations
  • Developing their thinking
  • Refining their approaches to accelerate time to value from IoT initiatives

The IoT will do more for us today and in the future than we have yet to imagine. Prepare accordingly by utilizing this resource.

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CIO Leadership – Gartner Insights on How Leaders Innovate for Digital Success

If you are a new or aspiring CIO at a company in the midst of a digital transformation, or shifting from an operational to a strategic role, Gartner created this playbook of Gartner research and CIO examples about how to take digital to the core of your organization, your leadership style and your team. All of these responsibilities can seem overwhelming, but use the CIO playbook as a primer on how to conquer the new world order. Effective CIOs will rise to the occasion, guiding executives and the business on how to be successful and thrive in a digital world.

This resource will help you understand the CIO’s evolving role, plot your digital leadership, take digital to the core, and cultivate your digital team. Most importantly, see how you can drive change in your organization and expand innovation.

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