Apply Five Rules to Your Security Metrics

Security and risk management leaders must craft the most important metrics to their specific context.

This resource includes:

  • Determining your relevance
  • Providing context and using business language
  • Determining whether you’re clear on your goals for your metrics
  • Choosing metrics that are forward-looking
  • What security metrics must be

To better understand which metrics are most useful for the organization’s perception of its security, leaders should consider multiple factors and follow the five rules outlined in this research to prepare useful, relevant and forward-looking metrics.

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GDPR Clarity: 19 Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Security and Risk Management (SRM) leaders should prepare for the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. The initial approach toward compliance contains 10 steps. The primary objective of these preparations is to protect privacy — a fundamental right and freedom of people.

This resource covers:

  • Strategic Planning Assumptions
  • Analysis: basic introduction of scope and applicability
  • Analysis: 10 steps toward GDPR compliance
  • Additional questions and recommended reading

Security and risk management leaders can’t “go at it alone “, but must involve a multidisciplinary team to translate requirements and prioritize risk mitigation actions by using these FAQs.

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Why Your Employees Hate Your Travel Program

Employee travel and entertainment (T&E) expenses account for as much as 12 percent of the average organization’s budget, so companies have a strong inducement to scrutinize expense reports and provide stringent travel policies. But employees away from …

Top 6 Worst Travel Program Policies

For decades, the average corporate travel policy has been a thorn in the side of the traveler and employer.Corporate programs have harsh restrictive policies, usually limiting employee benefits and making traveling for work a chore rather than a positi…

CIO Leadership – Gartner Insights on How Leaders Innovate for Digital Success

If you are a new or aspiring CIO at a company in the midst of a digital transformation, or shifting from an operational to a strategic role, Gartner created this playbook of Gartner research and CIO examples about how to take digital to the core of your organization, your leadership style and your team. All of these responsibilities can seem overwhelming, but use the CIO playbook as a primer on how to conquer the new world order. Effective CIOs will rise to the occasion, guiding executives and the business on how to be successful and thrive in a digital world.

This resource will help you understand the CIO’s evolving role, plot your digital leadership, take digital to the core, and cultivate your digital team. Most importantly, see how you can drive change in your organization and expand innovation.

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Apply Five Rules to Your Security Metrics

Security and risk management leaders must craft the most important metrics to their specific context.

This resource includes:

  • Determining your relevance
  • Providing context and using business language
  • Determining whether you’re clear on your goals for your metrics
  • Choosing metrics that are forward-looking
  • What security metrics must be

To better understand which metrics are most useful for the organization’s perception of its security, leaders should consider multiple factors and follow the five rules outlined in this research to prepare useful, relevant and forward-looking metrics.

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Apply Five Rules to Your Security Metrics

Security and risk management leaders must craft the most important metrics to their specific context.

This resource includes:

  • Determining your relevance
  • Providing context and using business language
  • Determining whether you’re clear on your goals for your metrics
  • Choosing metrics that are forward-looking
  • What security metrics must be

To better understand which metrics are most useful for the organization’s perception of its security, leaders should consider multiple factors and follow the five rules outlined in this research to prepare useful, relevant and forward-looking metrics.

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Cloud Leadership Strategy

Cloud computing has several variations and combinations, ranging from no cloud to pure cloud, depending on the organization’s needs. As cloud computing makes its way into its second decade, the options and combinations are expanding to fit each company need.

With this book, CIOs can:

  • Familiarize themselves with various types of cloud options
  • Begin to create a framework to move their enterprise toward leveraging cloud computing
  • Learn about security in the cloud and what type of talent is necessary for a successful shift

Cloud computing is increasingly becoming a vehicle for next-generation digital business as well as for agile, scalable and elastic solutions. CIOs and other IT leaders need to constantly adapt their strategies to leverage cloud capabilities.

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