6 Things You Need To Know About Digital Plan Submission

Digital plan submission got a big push from the pandemic, and now it’s here to stay. More local and state agencies are accepting digital plans for review, creating new challenges to contend with and processes to learn.

This digital transformation brings efficiency and accuracy to plan submission, but it could also create a few headaches if you’re not prepared. We’ve assembled a panel of experts from both sides of the equation to help you start on the right path. They’ll share tips for collaborating with agencies to get the best results for both parties. Join our upcoming webinar to hear the panelists cover:

Why digital formats are important and what to pay attention to when creating them.

  • Why critical following agencies’ rules is critical.
  • How to collaborate with digital markups and resubmittals.
  • Why document management still matters in a digital world. 
  • How to handle the implications of digital stamps/signatures.
  • Why digital plans are still a people-driven process.

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