The Challenges & Opportunities Impacting Your Software Development Team

The ability to quickly create and deploy new solutions, often using innovative technologies, is what sets one organization apart from its competitors. But many organizations struggle to keep their developers on a lifelong path of learning: Under the day-to-day pressures of business and operation, education is often de-prioritized. That’s too bad, because it’s this kind of short-term thinking that can carry a heavy long-term price. Fortunately, using modern approaches, organizations – and their software developers – no longer need to make that compromise.

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Strengthen Security with Intelligent Identity and Access Management

It is vitally important to verify that only the right people can access protected resources and that their activities are sufficiently monitored. However, in order to effectively compete and meet customer expectations, organizations are increasing the number of users—including customers, employees, citizens, partners and suppliers—who are allowed to access information across the web, the cloud and federated environments. This trend makes identity and access management even more challenging and exposes organizations to many potential risks.

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Go Agentless to Shrink Your Security Footprint

A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. started in Winnipeg in 1956. Since then it has grown in a structured manner. The company’s healthy expansion, however, was putting a strain on an outdated infrastructure. When he joined A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. in 2005, Bruce Jamieson was initially tasked with the modernization and upgrading of the company’s technology assets. Find out how they received these business results:

  • Increased effectiveness for blocking threats
  • Ease of deployment and management, for low cost of ownership
  • Agentless protection for virtual desktop, invoked automatically
  • Excellent security roadmap, with choice of multiple modules that can be rolled out as needed

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