Leveraging Metrics to Build Efficiency and Quality for Contracts

Managing corporate contracts can be an overwhelming job, even for the most skilled contracts and corporate legal operations teams.  While shouldering a tremendous workload, it is often challenging for contract professionals to know how many contracts are coming in, going out, and how they impact the company. The best way to get a handle on contracts is to gather, measure, and assess key data points to determine where the process is going well and where it may need specific improvement. Measuring specific indicators that are of keen interest to the company helps contracts and corporate legal operations professionals to complete their jobs with greater output and satisfaction.

Download this guide to learn about the top metrics that your department should track to run more effectively and support the overall business; including:

  • Contract Volumes
  • Process Efficiency 
  • Total Contract Value
  • Timing/Speed
  • Approvals and Escalations
  • Quality 

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