Renowned electronic mass merchant in Finland, achieved 31% higher conversions by enhancing consumer experience by implementing AI-driven personalization solution from Algonomy., one of Finland’s most popular online store dealing with consumer electronics, games, toys, sports, and children partnered with Algonomy to grow digital revenue by enhancing omnichannel customer experience.

The brand wanted to improve customer experiences on digital channels with a focus on personalization across the buying journey, regardless of the type of interaction thus triggering better product discovery and buying decisions for their customers.

Verkkokauppa partnered with Algonomy to boost eCommerce sales through real-time personalization. implemented Algonomy’s full personalization suite to create individualized experiences throughout the customer journey and achieved the following:

31% higher conversions from full commerce experience personalization
+24,8% Basket Sizes
+25% attributable sales from recommendations (6% earlier)
Improved discoverability of new and long-tail products
Sessions with search converting 5X more than sessions without search

Learn more about Verkkokauppa’s incredible journey.

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