The Exciting Promise of Human Resource Management (HRM)

The global concept of HRM is one of ‘best practice’, that is applying ideas on some topic found to be useful and practical. This process is empirical, leads to results much better than doing nothing, but lacks any scientific or conceptual rationale or theory. The root of all dismissive views of HRM lies in the inadequate concepts on which current global thinking is based.

See why HR should partner with team leaders and how it will benefit the rollout of strategy. 

A general theory of psychology applies to interpret all aspects and all outputs of humanity. Think of it as a ‘lens’ one looks through to ‘understand’. When looking through the lens, what one ‘sees’ looks different depending on the position from which one views the situation. Each book is written looking through the lens from a particular location. . The theory is always the same, but applying is different depending on the situation. 

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