Combating the Burnout Epidemic Virtually

Job burnout among U.S. employees has reached crisis proportions. It was a problem long before COVID-19, but stress and anxiety reached a fever pitch during the pandemic and continue to affect workers. Amid the pandemic, U.S. workers struggled to achieve work/life balance, logged more hours at work than ever before, faced financial uncertainty and dealt with toxic levels of pandemic- and work-related stress. And while the threat of COVID-19 has eased worldwide, the impacts on workers’ mental health still persist. Burnout is a prime example.

Unfortunately, the impacts of burnout are severe and far-reaching. In the workplace, it’s evidenced by absenteeism, low morale, diminished commitment, dissatisfaction with job performance and job-hopping – and that’s just the beginning. Workplace stress can create a ripple effect of behavioral health and medical issues. Quite simply, work is making us sick. Download this eBook and learn about:

  • Why employers must address work-related burnout
  • Barriers to behavioral healthcare
  • Helping clients make it easy for their employees to get the care they need
  • High burnout industries
  • What makes telebehavioral healthcare especially effective

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