B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment

Although B2B sales and marketing teams are two sides of the same coin, there’s often a significant disconnect between the departments.

While misalignment is difficult to resolve, a stronger relationship will drive revenues. In fact, 61% of B2B marketing and sales executives in North America believe that improving alignment is critical to driving growth, according to a Demandbase survey.

Download a complimentary copy of the “B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment: How to Overcome Communication, Data, and Technology Challenges” report to learn how marketers should work with sales to put their brand, content, and value proposition in front of buyers at target accounts.

This analyst report explores why:

  • Strong sales-marketing relationships start with C-suite alignment
  • Marketing and sales must understand today’s young, digital-savvy B2B buyer
  • A joint focus on good data, the right tech, and shared metrics is key for success

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