The Darkside of the Shipping Industry: Has Freight Forwarding Gone Fraudulent?

A freight forwarder, also known as a “non-vessel operating common carrier,” is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution. Companies that export goods – or regularly ship their products abroad – often rely on freight forwarders to get jobs up and running.

Generally speaking, freight forwarders are very reliable, with all of the necessary skills and expertise needed for the logistical planning of transferring large quantities of goods from one place to another. According to Excelsior Worldwide Freight Logistics, though, freight forwarders are more recently coming under tremendous pressure; pressure brought on by the emergence of new competitors entering the market at an alarming rate. With market shares reduced because of this recent freight forwarding flood, many companies have taken extreme measures to maintain business and sales volume – some, even turning to deceptive business practices, scams, and illegal / fraudulent activity.

As this transformation continues to occur, it is important that companies in the shipping industry know and understand the potential threats they now face with freight forwarders. Compliments of Excelsior Worldwide Freight Logistics, the following infographic will educate you on the most common deceptions and bad business practices being used by freight forwarders today – and what your company can do to recognize them and avoid them. Read on >>