Gartner Market Guide for Network Detection and Response

As security trends become more diversified and integrated, Network Detection and Response (NDR) has consistently been shown to provide greater value in modern security operations. In this latest report 2022 Garter® Market Guide for Network Detection & Response, Garter provides insight for leaders managing cyber risk and provides commentary on the NDR market.

Read the report to understand which gaps NDR fills in a crowded cybersecurity market, along with which vendors can support key security objectives, including hybrid and multi-cloud visibility, faster incident response, and stronger security hygiene.

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Gartner Market Guide for Network Detection and Response

As security trends become more diversified and integrated, Network Detection and Response (NDR) has consistently been shown to provide greater value in modern security operations. In this latest report 2022 Garter® Market Guide for Network Detection & Response, Garter provides insight for leaders managing cyber risk and provides commentary on the NDR market.

Read the report to understand which gaps NDR fills in a crowded cybersecurity market, along with which vendors can support key security objectives, including hybrid and multi-cloud visibility, faster incident response, and stronger security hygiene.

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