Global Liquidity Report for 2023 and Beyond

Look for an email from Stock Traders Daily within 24 hours.  It will contain a link to the 2023 Global Liquidity Report (GLR) that you requested. 

In the meantime, click READ NOW to look at our 2022 GLR, you’ll see our accuracy, and how our GLRs can help you make better business and investment decisions.

Why Liquidity Matters:  

You cannot churn OLD money and expect asset prices to grow.  NEW MONEY is required for asset price appreciation.  Therefore, the focus of our GLRs is on the rate of change in the amount of NEW MONEY available to be invested into the Economy over time.  

The changes in this measure have identified the bookends of the Great Depression, Stagflation, the beginning of the Credit Crisis, and the up-periods in between.

On a Y/Y basis they have been extremely accurate at identifying volatility, or the lack thereof, which helps clients mitigate risk.

Our Global Liquidity Reports tell you what to expect from the economy, business activity, and the stock market well in advance, so you have ample time to prepare.

The biggest readers of our work are Blackrock, Citadel, Two Sigma, Invictus, and now you…

If you like what you see, you will have the option to subscribe to Stock Traders Daily as a paying client, where you will read the same leading indicators when they are published, in real time.

Our Global Liquidity Reports are leading indicators to upcoming economic and stock market cycles and they can help you make better decisions.

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