Hazard Data Enhancements Reduce Risk & Improve Service

It’s no secret that extensive property-related data can enable a greater level of risk awareness and location intelligence, reducing risk for insurers and improving customer communications and service. But what is news is that this risk information is more available and easily accessible than ever before, enabling more insurers to take advantage of it in the form of Data as a Service (DaaS). Yet for a large number of insurers, either cost, technology, or both, keep them from making use of some of the most effective data for pricing a policy, validating claims, and knowing true exposure. Download this white paper and learn about:

  • How geospatial technology has evolved
  • Why educating customers builds sales
  • Accessing geographic risk sets in real-time
  • Making decisions baked on end-to-end property intelligence
  • How the right data gives your company an advantage

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