How To Win Loyal Customers in Uncertain Economic Times

Inflation reached an annual rate of 9.1% in June 2022, the highest it’s been since 1981, and marketers are understandably worried about how to maintain and grow revenue. As tempting as it might be to take a machete to your marketing budget, don’t. If you cut back too much on marketing—or, even worse, eliminate it entirely customer acquisition might grind to a standstill.

Get five cost-effective marketing strategies that can help you engage, acquire, and retain customers when the economy is in a downturn.

By downloading this guide, you’ll learn how to:

  • Effectively narrow your targets for maximum ROI
  • Leverage your best customers to gain new ones
  • Which customer communities leads to word-of-mouth marketing success

As we all take a critical look at our 2023 budgets, you won’t want to miss these insights.

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