IT Skills: Top 10 Programming Languages for 2023

If you asked a group of 100 developers which is the best programming language, chances are good that most of them would give you a variation on the same answer: It depends. 

There is no one perfect programming language that is best for every situation. If you want to develop a web application, you’ll probably use a different language than if you were developing a mobile application. Teams creating video games for consoles write in different languages than teams writing database driven, B2B software. Data scientists use different tools than application developers who use different tools that DevOps experts writing automation scripts.

There is no one perfect programming language that is best for every situation. If you want to develop a web application, you’ll probably use a different language than if you were developing a mobile application. Teams creating video games for consoles write in different languages than teams writing database driven, B2B software. Data scientists use different tools than application developers who use different tools that DevOps experts writing automation scripts.

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