Reactoo Case Study: Unique Serverless Architecture, Innovative Emotion Recognition and 30% Faster Software Delivery

The cooperation started in late 2016. Reactoo contracted ELEKS to develop a product that allows capturing and sharing live reactions of users while they deal with certain content or user experiences. The ultimate goal of Reactoo was analysing user reactions to enable a more insight-driven measuring of customer satisfaction.

The Reactoo app was released to App Store in April 2017. ELEKS’ team designed the solution architecture, data structure and user interface – all in close collaboration with the product owner and the key developers of Reactoo. The technological highlight of the solution is the early adoption of the state-of-the-art, Cloud-based serverless architecture.

Results and highlights:

  • Innovation in video streaming and sharing
  • Rapid team composition
  • Product launched in just 5 months
  • Breakthrough Cloud serverless architecture

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