The Digital Bridge: Closing the Insurance Talent Gap by Digitizing Billing and Payments

Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023
Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT
Cost: Complimentary

Sponsored by: InvoiceCloud

The insurance industry is facing a talent shortage several years in the making, at a time when business expenses and policyholder expectations are higher than ever. Many insurance companies are burdened with inefficient billing and premium collections technologies that complicate payments. This causes an inferior policyholder experience and generates costly, inefficient, and error-prone manual processes for staff.

Insurers must utilize digital transformation to overcome the workforce shortage that’s jeopardizing the policyholder experience and disrupting organizational efficiencies.

Join this complimentary webcast to discover the benefits of self-service and digital payment adoption. You’ll learn how to:

  • Leverage technology to bridge the industry workforce gap
  • Enhance the policyholder experience by automating their most frequent touchpoint
  • Ease staff workload, reduce costs, and retain policyholders with digital-first billing and payments
  • And more!



Julie Schieni | Vice President of Insurance | InvoiceCloud

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