The Future of Data-Driven Collaboration in Retail

Retailers have gathered a wealth of data about their customers’ buying habits over the years—both in the store and through ecommerce channels. But until recently, they haven’t been able to share that shopping and transaction data in a secure way with their partner brands—data that could help brands make smart decisions.

Today, retailers are discovering new ways to collaborate with their partners. At the top of this list is the data clean room, a secure platform where multiple parties can collaborate on proprietary data. Retailers and brands can securely access the platform to view data use cases, insights and outputs. Among many benefits is greater consumer privacy protection. In this playbook, you’ll discover:

  • How data clean rooms solve data collaboration challenges for retailers and brands
  • Forms of collaborative intelligence in retail, including retail media networks
  • Data clean room best practices
  • What the future of data-driven collaboration in retail looks like

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