Who Cares About Cloud? What Service Providers Really Need in Service Assurance

The telecom industry is at an inflection point. As the world grows increasingly connected, new market opportunities and enterprise use cases are so abundant that it’s hard to know which way to turn. Whatever the future holds, CSPs need the ability to seize new market opportunities when the time is right – and innovators in these new markets need OSS solutions that can be rapidly deployed and fit their needs.

Whether a CSP or a new market innovator it’s guaranteed that superior network performance and market agility will both be critical. Having the right operational support systems (OSS) in place will impact which business opportunities can be pursued. This means service assurance solutions must be scalable, robust, and configurable. There is a debate about whether operators are ready to deploy public cloud solutions for OSS or not – but this is entirely the wrong consideration. Cloud-enabling OSS solutions are about much more than making them deployable on the public cloud. Embracing cloud approaches is about ensuring the solutions are scalable, robust, and configurable. Whether the solution is deployed on a public cloud or a physical server is up to the operator.

Learn from industry experts about the benefits of cloud-native OSS, what it takes to create a cloud enablement mindset, and why it’s the first step in creating an interoperable, composable, API-driven architecture that allows CSPs to compete more effectively in a rapidly evolving market.

Discussion topics include:

  • The telco innovation dilemma and the velocity of change.
  • How the telco cloud has evolved and why a multi-cloud approach should be considered.
  • Why Service Assurance is more important than ever.
  • Benefits of OSS platform-as-a-service

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