Why Having a Cybersecurity Training Initiative is Crucial for All Companies

The greatest threat to your company’s cybersecurity is not external threats… Contrary to what you might believe, most of the risk lies internally, with your own employees. In other words, we are not talking about hackers, bots or “infiltrated competitor agents.” Rather, the real threat to consider is your own trusted employees, who are often just a few careless mouse clicks away from costing your business a fortune – without having any malicious intent, whatsoever.

Employees can wreak havoc in a number of ways: by visiting malicious websites; responding to phishing emails; using business email accounts on public Wi-Fi or on unencrypted networks; or even something as simple as having only one singular password… A password that is never changed/updated, and is used to access all business assets and personal accounts. Neglecting cybersecurity can cost companies millions of dollars, hours of downtime, and perhaps most importantly, a loss of trust and credibility from customers. The most alarming fact, though, is that cyber-attacks occur thousands of times per day, and they can strike the same company several times over in any given year.

The infographic below, compliments of EveryCloud, better explains cyber security, how and when it occurs, and why employee training is so crucially important for all companies, large and small alike.