Best Practices: Tips to Increase Customer Engagement & Show That You Really Care!

More now than ever before, customer and brand loyalty are huge contributing factors when it comes to business growth and profitability. Put simply enough, the more customers that you make happy, the more you retain… And the more you retain, the more repeat business you are going to get from them. Enter customer engagement.

Customer experience and customer engagement are two of the most important things that any company can focus on, period. That statement applies to just about every type of business, across every vertical and industry. When customers are unhappy with their experience, they are unlikely to come back as repeat buyers. What’s worse, is that they are significantly more likely to also persuade others not to use your company’s products/services.

The infographic below, compliments of Garret Norris at Healthy Business Builder, explores the top six ways that you can increase customer engagement – and show your clientele that you go above and beyond in terms of service, support and customer experience. More >>