Prevent and Detect In-Network Attacker Lateral Movement

Once attackers get a foothold inside the network, they can gather information or escalate privileges to complete their mission. After gaining initial access, attackers use lateral movement techniques to gain access to critical assets. A perfect example is the recent SolarWinds software supply chain attack, where attackers kept their malware footprint very low. As sophisticated attackers will do, they quietly stole and used credentials to perform lateral movement through the network and establish legitimate remote access.

Adversaries use lateral movement techniques to progressively move through a network and target an organization’s critical assets. These techniques are widely used in sophisticated attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) to exploit software vulnerability and find their target. Organizations are looking for solutions that can detect attackers as they move laterally inside an organization’s network, data center, cloud, or remote site. For solutions to these business challenges, download this paper.

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