The Promise of AI, the Impact on Your Information Architecture (IA) and Potential Solutions

Wednesday, November 7 at 11am PT/ 2pm ET/ 8pm CET

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to completely revolutionize your organization. However, harmonizing data standards, streamlining formation flows and optimizing upstream processes to improve the customer experience are still challenging most organizations.

Companies must have a solid understanding of how various aspects of their company interact with their data, to ensure AI initiatives provide competitive value, drive productivity and keep business moving forward.

Join CMSWire, IBM and Earley Information Science for a live, 45-minute webinar on how AI technologies provide competitive value for your organization, along with the IA considerations you must make prior to implementing machine-learning technologies across your enterprise. Attend this DX Summit event preview from IBM on understanding the key capabilities that IBM can provide today to help you start realizing the business benefits of AI.

This webinar will cover:

  • The importance of clean structured data
  • The tools and features needed to make your AI projects successful
  • What you need to consider from an information architecture perspective

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