A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating & Leveraging a B2B Lead Generation Funnel

Understanding a lead generation funnel and its functionality is important to digital marketing. According to Salesforce, 68% of companies have not identified or attempted to measure a sales funnel, and the same survey showed that a whopping 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales. Thus, without an effective B2C or B2B lead generation funnel, it’s nearly impossible to generate high-quality leads and convert them into sales.

Having deep insights into the process and stages behind a lead generation funnel is crucial for sales and marketing teams to effortlessly optimize campaigns and ensure these leads progress from the end of the funnel as customers. Thus, your funnel will definitely perform better, if you have a profound understanding of your clients’ needs and their journey from a lead to a customer.

Your lead generation funnel should help drive potential customers from attention to action. The infographic below will give you invaluable insights that will help you understand the lead generation process as well as an overview on tips and best practices to make the lead generation funnel work for your brand and your business.

The following infographic, provided by the good folks at Albacross, will provide more in-depth information about demand generation and lead generation funnels; essentially, offering a step-by-step guide to creating a lead generation funnel. When you start better understanding the lead generation ecosystem, you’ll be able to keep your funnel flowing with acceleration activities like nurture campaigns that are intended to enhance the customer experience as well as mutual relationships and turn those leads into paying clients.

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